Área de Ingles

English is not the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of native speakers – the number of people who speak Chinese is by far higher than the number of people who speak English – however, Chinese is spoken little outside of Chinese communities, so English is the most wide spread language in the world. It is difficult to estimate exactly how many English speakers there are. According to one estimate there are more than 350,000,000 native English speakers and more than 400,000,000 speakers of English as a second language or foreign language. The importance of English resides not just in the fact that it is widely spoken; English is the major language of news and information. It is the language of business and government. It is the language of media, transport and international affairs. English has been the door to popular culture, popular music. Books in English are available even in countries where few people actually use English, and this is a major reason why most people take English as a second or foreign language. As our institutional aim is to prepare our students to face the new challenges of a competitive globalize world, it is our responsibility to make sure our students will be prepared for a world where English is the most important tool for communication.

Copyright 2016. Colegio Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Fátima. Chaclacayo - Perú